
JUNE 30th,2007(2)

1. I think "enjoy"is better than "something favorite".Becuaes "enjoy" is a diary is written, and one is only mere advertising.

2. I think "My favarit House" is better than "natto and mayonaise". Becuaes "My Favarit House" is a link is put,one is does not put one.

3. T think "Haisa's bloug" is better than "Puka's bloug". Becuase "Haisa's bloug" put many picturers and detailed contents are ridden.

1.)This blog's author is Minoru.
2.) He name's Tadashi.
3.)He live in Kyoto.
4.) No,I didn't.
5.) Becuaes I'm not interested in this bloug.
6. No,Im'not.
7.) Yes,I am.
8.) Yes, I can.
9.) I can regard a contact as him through blog.

Question 2
It is same as Question 1.

Question 3
1.)This bloug's author is Haisa.
2.)He name is Haisa.
3.)He live in Malaysia.
4.)Yes, I do.
5.)I am interested in this bloug.
6.)No,I am not.
7.)No,I am not.
8.)Yes, I can.
9.)I can regrad a contact him throgth this bloug.

6. 1.)
1.Rob Dees
3.I don't know.

2.)There are lot of photographs are put on the blog, I am happy but The auther must be careful personal information is included in a thing of a photograph.

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